Philips 37MF437B 37" LCD HDTV

Planning for a LCD? It is time to stop thinking too much, and look out for the Philips 37MF437B 37" LCD HDTV. When it comes to innovation, then most of the people will obviously think of Philips, especially the 37” LCD HDTV models. You must be aware of this fact that, Philips has a wide range of collection starting from the old fashioned CRT sets to today’s high end Plasma and LCD sets. If you wish to bring home a 37” model, then this can be the set you can trust. The model is a 1080p full HD panel along with HD DVD player and Blue Ray support. The digital ATSC tuner incorporated in this LCD set allow it provide top most HD TV display. There are more other useful features, the company has to offer.
The Philips 37MF437B 37" LCD HDTV comes with a screen resolution of 1920x1080, along with an aspect ratio of 16:9. Apart from that, the set also includes a contrast ration of 1200:1, with a wide viewing angle of 176 degrees. Both ATSC and NTSC tuners are available in this product, and it has a response time of 8ms. The bezel black colored cabinet really carry a sophistic feelings. There will be no difference between a theatre and your room because of the Dolby digital sound effects, and the TV includes SPDIF output and PC component. Philips happens to be one of the largest electronics companies, and always have been on the leading position.